Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thing #10 image generators

Images are fun to play with and there are several good spots to find different kinds. Today I'm not too creative so I'm not too pleased with the outcomes. But i'll try again on another day when the juices are flowing. I'm not a huge fan of the smiley faces but the sign worked for me today--
I think the motivational sign maker would be great for school at the beginning of the year during teacher staff development or when developing classroom rules. The kids could make signs with photos of them that would be more meaningful than plain old poster boards. In the library there are all sorts of signs so one could even make library signage from these image generators.
I hope the live fully bling isn't distasteful since I wear a necklace with that saying almost everyday. It's not that big but I love the saying--"live fully."


VWB said...

don't you just love all the cute signs, etc. I don't have eough wall space or web pages to use all of them!

Elizabeth said...

LOL. Love the Etch*a*sketch sign. So true.